Great Reads: The Urge

In my Comp 2 classes, I have started letting my students select a reader and one of my classes picked a great one. (This originally evolved from an issue/worry with Florida’s Governor Ron Desantis’s new restrictions on classroom topics, but in the end, it…

Great Reads: In The Midst of Chaos, Calm

Want some thinking about how to find calmness in the middle of a chaotic day, week, month, summer, or life? (More about MY chaotic summer soon…) Try reading The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle. I always feel a bit like a kid out…

GREAT READ: The Happiness Hypothesis by Jonathan Haidt

The Happiness Hypothesis, by Jonathan Haidt, is a wonderful, interesting Social Psychology light book (240 pages) rich with thinking that will be remembered for years to come. This book uses narrative writing to start with the concept of a divided mind (by the way,…

Race: Voices that Matter, like Halstead’s and Hutcherson’s

People often ask me where to get started to learn more about race and the situation with institutional racism in the United States. These two articles are almost always discussed in my college writing classes for a number of reasons, but not because they…

Would You Keep Reading? (YA Novel in texts)

So I went to the library to drop off a book or three and I saw this interesting looking book on the new Young Adult table. I picked it up intending to flip through it and go, but 30 minutes later I was still…

FILM REVIEW: Despite a Lackluster plot and Slightly Flat Characters, the World of Aquaman is a Wonder.

Few might have guessed at the overall high quality of Wonder Woman and the disappointing mishmash of Justice League, but both films left fans of DC’s universes wondering about Aquaman. If you haven’t see it by now, it may be because you’re not a…

Summer of the Tower

This summer, one of my best friends and I had an interesting idea. We were going to read Stephen King books together, but not just any SK books. We were going to tackle the Tower. For those of you who don’t know, The Dark…

Crowdfunded List of Great YA books

So the Bloggess has posted another funny entry on her website, but at the end, she asked for great YA suggestions. Add to it or go get some ideas for next reads for yourselves.

The New Ms. Marvel Rocks My Socks

If you haven’t yet gotten into G. Willow Wilson’s new Ms. Marvel series, stop what you’re doing and order it. I first heard about this new Ms. Marvel storyline from a news article a few years ago that reported the new Ms. Marvel is…