Would You Keep Reading? (YA Novel in texts)

So I went to the library to drop off a book or three and I saw this interesting looking book on the new Young Adult table. I picked it up intending to flip through it and go, but 30 minutes later I was still reading it.

Technically, You Started It, by Lana Wood Johnson is completely told in text messages, so it moves quickly and is a great example of a strong “voice.” It feels like these are two real teens; in fact, I have known variations of these kids from my classes. Neurotic young woman fascinated by facts and idealism. Quietly confident young man frustrated that everyone thinks they know who he is.

I found this to be very fresh and curious, but would you keep reading too? (And I quite liked this creative book.)

Here are the first few pages, and I don’t think this violates any plagiarism issues because 1) I’m sort of plugging the book as interesting. Well, it was to me, and 2) these pages can be found on the AMAZON page, too.

The FIRST NINE PAGES of Technically You Started It.