Schools and Mental Health Crisis – Circle Groups Might Help

I didn’t hear it often, but when I did, it broke me a little: this giant of a middle schooler was crying, overcome with rage and worry. He had been acting out, as usual, earlier that day in a different class period. Juan, we’ll…

January 6 Committee Continues Today: Americans Need to Watch and Listen to Each Other

Many normal and apolitical people (people like me) don’t want to weigh into this political stuff like with Former President Donald Trump and the January 6th Committee. I personally don’t want to isolate sensible people who are conservative or sensible people who are more…

Cycles of Change and Stability – Finding Purpose in the Normal – Great Song

Oliver Anthony Singing

One thing I love about a new semester is that a predictable cycle starts again. One thing I DON’T love about a new semester is that a predictable cycle starts again. There is comfort in the sameness and there can be stagnation in it…

Great Reads: The Urge

In my Comp 2 classes, I have started letting my students select a reader and one of my classes picked a great one. (This originally evolved from an issue/worry with Florida’s Governor Ron Desantis’s new restrictions on classroom topics, but in the end, it…

Departures and Leaps

After teaching writing classes for more than 11 years with Dallas College, I have resigned from my full-time position to light out for other endeavors. It’s a family move, but I also love adventure and growing. At first, I wasn’t sure about Florida –…

Great Reads: In The Midst of Chaos, Calm

Want some thinking about how to find calmness in the middle of a chaotic day, week, month, summer, or life? (More about MY chaotic summer soon…) Try reading The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle. I always feel a bit like a kid out…

Disinformation & Propaganda: The Issue that May Divide and Crumble the World

Maria Ressa, one of the most well known journalists from the Philippines, fighter for FACTS, and as a result, winner of the 2021 Nobel Peace Prize, is sharing right now (Wednesday, April 6) about how fragile Democracy is right now. She is speaking as…

One Professor Admits to Using Drugs and thinks Society Should Accept Some Drug Usage… (By the way, I’m not talking about me.)

man standing in front of people

Would you risk your career and respect to share something that might shift laws and public perceptions?

Of 2020, See What You Need to See

rainbow over sea

Horrible, Haarible I once knew a pastor, an amazing and life-changing gentleman, who occasionally showed his Boston roots with a hint of an accent. I will always remember the way he described the brutality of the civil war in El Salvador in the 1980s…

John Lewis is a Hero; John Lewis is My Hero

John Lewis smiling at his desk

Civil Rights leader and US Representative John Lewis recently passed away. People who do not think of John Lewis as a hero are missing something. Either they don’t know how tirelessly he fought for equality and justice, without throwing an insult or a punch….