Good Stories: Civility, even to the “Other”

In this political landscape where so many stories one could tell are traps for this side or that side, it’s refreshing to hear a positive story about politics. This week in Stafford, Virginia, a Muslim man who is running for congress got some hate…

Psychic Pay

What would energize you mentally?

Ministers of Loneliness, Addiction, and Social Connection

HBO’s Vice News reported on the UK’s new Minister of Loneliness. Yes, loneliness. Not loveliness. This is not a joke. During the segment, they quoted a startling statistic that, by one count, 14% of the nation’s people reported being “often lonely” or “lonely all…

Conversations: Mental Illness or Masculinity?

After yet another school shooting, this one in Parkland, FL at Stoneman Douglas High School. Things are happening after this, the 18th school shooting in the US so far this year (and it’s only February). Young high schoolers are asking for change and are…

The New Ms. Marvel Rocks My Socks

If you haven’t yet gotten into G. Willow Wilson’s new Ms. Marvel series, stop what you’re doing and order it. I first heard about this new Ms. Marvel storyline from a news article a few years ago that reported the new Ms. Marvel is…

One Value of Memoirs

Just so we’re clear, I’m not usually a big fan of memoir writing. There are so many books out there and a lot of memoir writing is just some dude or lady talking about the mundanity of her or his life. However, some have…