Soul Pancake’s “My Last Days” Rocks

In a political climate where frustration and anger abounds, it is nice to find and celebrate positivity.

Soul Pancake (a YouTube channel and collective of Rainn Wilson and other smart people trying to make the world better) has a series called “My Last Days” about people who are nearing death.

Death happens. It will happen to all of us. Since what comes after is so unknown, this can be scary as hell, but it doesn’t have to be. In fact, remarkably, being reminded of death can offer a different lens with which to view life. Remembering death can help people evaluate what it means for us each to live well.

Want a reminder about life and being positive? Want to reframe the way you see everything in your life to make sure that when death hits closer to home you aren’t filled with regrets? Then watch a little of this 22 minute video about Zach Sobiech, a dying seventeen year old diagnosed with Osteosarcoma. What does it make you want to do more of and less of?

Go do it then, and write about it. Go live your life well, and let us know what this means and looks like for you.